About us
North East Middle School
200 East Cecil Avenue
North East, MD 21901
Phone: 410-996-6210
Fax: 410-287-8240
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Follow us on Social Media!
Facebook: @NorthEastMiddleSchool
We’d like to welcome you to North East Middle School.
As a way to communicate on a consistent basis with our families, you will receive a parent edition of the Bulldog Bulletin by email each Sunday. This will provide important information and details about upcoming events at school to help you support your students at home and be engaged in our school activities. We will be using the e-mail address you provided when you registered your student. If you do not receive the weekly email or if your e-mail address or phone number changes, please contact us at school to update your contact information. You may call our school office 410-996-6210 or e-mail the information to our Lead Secretary, Mrs. Lisa Warsing, at lwarsing@ccps.org. The bulletin will also be posted on NEMS' website under News & Happenings.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Anthony Evans, Principal
David Boros, Assistant Principal
Nicole Eyman, Assistant Principal
Meghan Owens, Dean of Students